The Happiness Wisdom
By Stephen Lau
Americans report that they are not very happy
in their day-to-day life and living; evidently, something is missing for most
Americans. One of the objectives of this book is to address this issue of
unhappiness that may have an impact on their overall health and well-being.
Another objective of this book is to help
people develop their own recipes for happiness through looking
at ancient wisdom from the East and the West, conventional wisdom, and
spiritual wisdom.
HAPPINESS WISDOM is a 161-page book:
All about . . . .
Unhappiness is no respecter of persons,
whether you are rich or poor, young or old, wise or unwise.
The continuous quest for happiness is elusive
and evasive, just like chasing the wind, unless wisdom is present.
Avoiding unhappiness is self-delusional, an
unrealistic approach to attaining happiness.
Happiness and pleasure are life experiences to
be enjoyed, cherished, and remembered -- but they do not last forever.
Happiness and unhappiness are only a state of
mind-a uniquely subjective perception of an individual.
Happiness is contentment and satisfaction:
contentment from getting all the basic needs, and satisfaction
from getting some of the wants in life. Therefore, knowing the
needs and the wants is important.
Unhappiness is only a personal perception that
life is not really what it should be to that individual.
Any new life experience -- perceived through
the five senses and then processed by the thinking mind, with attitudes and
prejudices, as well as with beliefs and emotions, formed from past life
experiences -- now become the new “reality” and just another new “thought” for
the thinking mind.
You think and you become what you think, and
that is your reality, which is often distorted and unreal,
except in your own thinking mind. Therefore, be aware of the
presence of your subconscious mind, which is often making decisions for you and
on behalf of you. Be wise, and don’t let your subconscious mind control your
conscious mind.
All your life experiences are real to
you; how you perceive and process them may
positively or negatively affect how you live your life.
Because they are stored in your subconscious mind, they may give you valuable
life lessons, making you happy, or create delusions and self-deceptions that
may not only confuse you but also lead you astray, making you unhappy. Get the
wisdom to separate the truths from the half truths or the myths.
Wisdom is asking self-intuitive questions
about whatever you experience in life, probing into the truths of all the
so-called "realities" perceived by your mind.
Enlightenment is asking no more questions, because you already have
got all the answers.
People cannot make you happy, unless they
consciously choose to do so.
To be truly happy, you must think outside the
bounds of conventional wisdom. You must have an empty mindset
not just to think out of the box of conventional thinking, but also to create
your own box of beliefs and thinking.
Spirituality is a personal relationship with
God through self-awareness, and a deep longing for the soul alignment with the
Creator. It requires quality time, deliberate effort, and right doing,
including love and compassion for others.
Everything that happens in your life is about
YOU, and not about someone else. So, only YOU can create your own
happiness recipe.
Happiness is about doing --
doing things to yourself as well as to others, based on the five major
ingredients: love, forgiveness, gratitude, compassion,
and letting go.
In addition to choosing the ingredients, you
should know the methods of applying those ingredients to your
recipe. There are basically only two: human wisdom, and spiritual
Human wisdom shows you how to think:
who you really are, not who you wish you were; how and why your perceptions may
change the realities that ultimately affect your life choices and decisions,
making you happy or unhappy. Happiness is no more and no less than perceptions
by the human mind. Human wisdom is right thinking, leading
to right doing to create the right happy life
Spiritual wisdom provides strength and
guidance for right thinking by the human mind. Spiritual
wisdom may not only transform but also enlighten you to become a better and
happier individual.
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