Newly published book: FREEDOM wiyh BONDAGE

Newly published book: <b>FREEDOM wiyh BONDAGE</b>
Newly published book FREEDOM with BONDAGE: You have NO FREEDOM of choices if they are controlled by your flesh to do all the wrong things, and you are held in BONDAGE.

Fighting Your Demons




     Demons are delusions and hallucinations seen by some while growing up; they seem to be seeing images and hearing voices that’re “real” only to them. They not only hear and see their demons, but also feel their presence. Demons can be caused by isolation, loneliness, lack of sleep, overuse of drugs, and daily stress. Demons are just not their “conscious realities.”

An Illustration


     David Cassidy, a famous American actor, singer, songwriter, and guitarist, had experienced his demons throughout his successful careers. How and why? His fans, mostly girls in their teens, screamed and chased after him wherever he went; so, he had no freedom of choice except to be a loner, staying in isolation most of the time when he wasn’t performing.

     Another of David Cassidy’s demons was his failed relationship with his father, Jack Cassidy, also an actor and a singer, who abused and neglected David when he was young. David Cassidy’s fame and success only worsened his relationship with his father who became jealous of his son’s success.

     The demons tied David Cassidy to his bondage of alcoholism for several decades. In February 2017, David Cassidy collapsed during his performance onstage, and died at the age of 67 due to his organ failure related to his alcoholism.

     David Cassidy’s last words were: “So much wasted time.” Indeed, his demons, giving him delusions and hallucinations, had wasted so much of his lifetime, instead of letting him enjoy his successful career.

     David Cassidy’s hallucinations were parts of his life that he neither liked nor rejected, and, worse, he never acknowledged them with the self-delusion that they were a part of his success, and so he had no other options, except to accept them.


The Bottom Line


     The devil uses demons to separate humans from God by giving them fear and guilt—fear causing selfish and irrational actions, and guilt bringing remorse and depression. In addition, demons always make humans continue to starve for affection and attention from others, turning them away from God into loners with no faith in God.

     LIVING BY FAITH is the only way to fight demons is to turn to God of love and mercy for His help and His forgiveness. 

     Stephen Lau     

      Copyright© by Stephen Lau


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