Newly published book: FREEDOM wiyh BONDAGE

Newly published book: <b>FREEDOM wiyh BONDAGE</b>
Newly published book FREEDOM with BONDAGE: You have NO FREEDOM of choices if they are controlled by your flesh to do all the wrong things, and you are held in BONDAGE.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Empower Your Mind for Anti-Aging

Your mind holds the key to the wellness of your whole being. You are the sum of your thoughts, and your mind is the creator and interpreter of all your thoughts. So, for holistic living, boost your mind power. To do that, you need to keep your brain active and in good shape. Improving memory keeps your brain in optimum conditions.

To improve your memory, improve your memory skills, which are dependent on your awareness of and attention to your senses, such as sightsoundsmell, and touchHow your brain collects, stores, and processes information holds the key to a powerful memory. If you sharpen your senses, you also sharpen your brain power. Memory is no more than a learning skill, which has little to do with aging. As long as your cognitive skills are functional, you can improve memory through acquiring memory skills.

1. Perform any activity that is out of the ordinary, that is, something that you normally do not do. For example, learning a new musical instrument not only demands reading music, concentration and focus, and coordination of hands and fingers, but also involves general sight, sound, and touch. Alternatively, you can do small tasks using your nondominant-hand, such as writing your name with your left hand, if you are right-handed. According to Professor C. Katz Lawrence of Duke University, performing several nondominant-hand tasks in your everyday life will enable you to tap into a certain part of your brain you seldom use, as well as to force your brain to concentrate on doing something that you would normally breeze through. Genius Brain Power keeps your brain fit and enhances mind power for holistic living..

2. Enhance your brain power through relaxation to remove undue stress and rejuvenate brain cells for optimum performance. Deep Zen Meditation is the effortless way to recoup your mind power through total calm and peace of mind, which are the ingredients of holistic living.

3. Aromatherapy activates your mind and harnesses its potentials through the scents of basil and rosemary. Research shows that inhaling these scents increases beta waves that heighten mind power through the awareness of the brain. For hundreds of years, healers from all over the world have applied aromatherapy to stimulate the nervous system to boost mind power or improve memory.

4. Improve your mind power with your green thumbs. Gardening is a good exercise for the brain: knowing the plant names and their growth characteristics, the soil conditions, and abstract spatial thinking, among others. Why don’t you start your own Organic Food Garden to enhance both your physical and brain health?

If you wish to increase your mind power, you can. If there is a will, there is a way. Don’t let forgetfulness get you down as you get older! Your brain has over 100 trillion cells, and you use only five percent of them. So, the more connections you can make between your brain cells through seeing, hearing, touching, and smelling, the better and more efficient your brain becomes in collecting, storing, and processing information. Aging cannot slow down the brain, but non-doing will. Always increase your mind power for holistic living.

Visit my new website: Health and Wisdom Tips.

Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Get Your FREE Book to Empower Your Mind for Longevity Living


My newly published book is FREE for download on Amazon from December 8 to December 12.

This 154-page book is about how to live your life as if everything is a miracle if you just don’t die as you continue with you life journey with the many changes and challenges confronting you, including your loss of vision.

Human existence is meaningless without life purpose and human happiness. The pursuit of longevity has been going on since time immemorial. Consciousness holds the key to the success of this pursuit. Consciousness of living is wisdom of the mind to understand the self, others, as well as how and why certain things happen. Wisdom in living enables one to complete the rest of one's life journey and reaching the destination.

To live to 100 and beyond—if you just don’t die—you must ask questions about life; after all, living is about asking questions and seeking answers to the questions asked, and thereby instrumental in providing wisdom or a blueprint to continue the rest of your life journey.

The first question you should consciously ask yourself is: "How long do I wish to live?" Of course, that is only a hypothetical question because you really don’t have much of a choice—unless you would like to purposely end your life prematurely. Naturally, the answer to that question may also change over different phases in your life, depending on the quality of your life in that particular phase.

The second question you should consciously ask yourself is: "Why do I want to live long, or why not?" This question will be naturally followed by the third question: “How do I live long, or what can make me desire to live longer?”

The final question—if you just don’t die—is: "How should I live the rest of my life to overcome my daily problems and life challenges?"

The objective of this 154-page book is neither to convince you to crave longevity, nor to show you how to live to one hundred and beyond. It simply presents you with the consciousness of living the rest of your years—if you just don’t die!

Click here to get your FREE COPY. Don't miss the opportunity!.

Stephen Lau