Do you know that your mental decline as you continue to age may be
due to altered connections among brain cells? The good news is
that research has shown keeping your brain active not only increases its
vitality but also builds its reserves of brain cells and connections.
So, use your memory to keep your brain healthy.
Research has also indicated that low levels of education are linked to a higher risk of Alzheimer's disease later in life. This may be due to a lower level of lifelong mental stimulation. That is to say, the more educated you are, the less chance you will get Alzheimer's disease—or at least the development of symptoms of dementia may appear much later in life.
Research has also indicated that low levels of education are linked to a higher risk of Alzheimer's disease later in life. This may be due to a lower level of lifelong mental stimulation. That is to say, the more educated you are, the less chance you will get Alzheimer's disease—or at least the development of symptoms of dementia may appear much later in life.
Research has further shown that those who are bi-lingual and who
constantly use two languages on a daily basis tend to develop greater immunity
from the early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
So, learn a new or foreign language in your senior years.
Memory loss is rather common as you age. However, it does not necessarily mean that you're going to have Alzheimer's disease. But combat memory loss like a disease. It is a misconception that you should write down what you need to do in order not to forget—well, that's only a very passive way of dealing with the problem of memory loss. It's very much like "cutting you toes to avoid the worms." Remember, if you don't use your brain power, you will lose it. It's that simple. Don't try to remember things the easy way; there’s a better way: make your brain more powerful and efficient.
Memory Improvement Techniques shows you how to harness fully your brain power. It unlocks the secrets to a perfect computer-like memory in just about 5 minutes a day. Remember, at any age, your memory is powerful; the only problem is that it is untrained. Memory Improvement Techniques does just that—training you to acquire the skills of "flash memorization." You don't need to read memory books, or attend expensive memory workshops; just get the book, in which you will find everything you need to know about improving your memory. This book will make you proud of your memory—and it may help you fight Alzheimer's disease.
Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau