Life is always mind over matter. After all, the mind controls everything: how you think, how your experience what happens to you, how you perceive your past and present experiences, how you anticipate your future expectations, how you make decisions and take actions that affect your future experiences.
You are who you are and what you have now become is all in the mind; essentially, you are the sum of your thoughts. But how does one control one's mind? Or how does the mind think?
You mind responds to your experiences from your five senses: sight, sound, small, taste, and touch. These sensations are then embedded in your mind, which is made up of a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. Theoretically, you are in perfect control of your conscious mind; that is, you consciously decide what experiences you want to remember or to be stored in your conscious mind. Your subconscious mind, on the other hand, simply absorbs indiscriminately all your mental perceptions and reactions to all your experiences; in other words, it does not reason or analyze your mental input. In actual life, your conscious makes decisions about how you think and what you do. However, it is your subconscious mind that directs your conscious mind; in other words, your subconscious mind controls your conscious mind, although you may not be totally aware of it. Therefore, it is critical that you know how to control your subconscious mind, instrumental in directing your conscious mind. To empower the mind is to control your thinking mind by providing it with an optimum environment for it to function efficiently and effectively—that is, with subliminal messages.
Empower the mind with subliminal messages, which work as a mild form of self-hypnosis—slowly and gradually sending suggestions into your subconscious mind to change any incorrect self-beliefs, wrong ways of thinking, and even undesirable patterns of behavior. These subliminal messages not only allow you to bypass your "logical" conscious mind but also to overcome any resistance that may hold you back, thereby enabling you to access your subconscious mind with positive messages for mind empowering. Because of this state-of-the-art technology, you can develop in ways which would not be normally possible with your conscious personal development alone. Subliminal messages are powerful tools for mind empowering. Science and technology have made it possible to increase mind power to live a better life.
Once you have mastered the subliminal messages, you can master your mind by controlling its thoughts. Remember, you are your thoughts, and your life is a byproduct of you thoughts. As Napoleon Hill, the famous writer, said: "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." Yes, you can achieve success in your career, weight loss, relationships, or just about anything. The possibilities are limitless.
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Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau