Newly published book: FREEDOM wiyh BONDAGE

Newly published book: <b>FREEDOM wiyh BONDAGE</b>
Newly published book FREEDOM with BONDAGE: You have NO FREEDOM of choices if they are controlled by your flesh to do all the wrong things, and you are held in BONDAGE.

Saturday, July 6, 2024


There are many books on “why prayers are seldom answered”; and nearly all of them are explaining it from the Biblical or the spiritual perspectives. 

But this book is totally different in that it looks at the same controversial topic but from the perspective of profound human wisdom more specifically, from that of THE TAO, which is the wisdom of Lao Tzu, the ancient sage from China more than 2,600 years ago. 

This book is not about how often you pray, what you say in your prayers, or if you pray at all; instead, it is all about how you are going to live the rest of your life as if you were praying devoutly and diligently. Hopefully, you may have a better understanding of how and why your prayers are seldom answered or not answered at all.

This book is only about youafter all, it is you who are reading this book, and you who may be saying your own daily prayers. 

This book does not provides you with a blueprint to live your life as if you were praying, because it is your life and only you can and must live it according to your own beliefs and your own ways of thinking. 

Having said all the above, I think this book may help you enhance your own self-intuition and self-introspection so that you may eventually become awakened to and even enlightened by your own understanding of how and why your prayers are seldom answered or even not answered at all.

This book is not about God or any specific religion; it is only about youafter all, it is you who are reading this book, and you who may be saying your own daily prayers. 

So, this book does not provide you with a blueprint to live your life as if you were praying, because it is your life and only you can and must live it according to your own beliefs and your own ways of thinking. 

What is a prayer?

Jesus said: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7) 

Is your prayer just your way of asking for something that you want in your life? Is it your personal request to the Creator to make something happen or not happen in your life? Is it your conversation or communication with the Creator to further develop your relationship with Him? Is it your way of seeking advice from the Creator to help you deal with your own life’s problems and challenges? Is it a means of your asking the Creator for His blessings you think you may be entitled to?

How often is your prayer said or offered? 

Before you getting up, and before you going to bed? Several times throughout the day, such as before your meals? While attending a religious service? Seldom, if ever, unless expressing with your condolences to someone you feel sorry for?

“Prayers not answered” simply means “expectations not fulfilled.”

But what are your “expectations”? And where do they come from?

You go through your own life experiences with your five senses (seeing, hearing, tasting, touching and smelling) as a result of the choices of your actions, inactions, and reactions in your everyday life.

Your sensations often become your own perceptions, which then form your own assumptions and predictions; for example, a good education will often lead to a successful career, and then bring about a happy relationship.

All your “expectations” in your life are only your personal and subjective perceptions of your mind. But your “expectations” are often unreal and even self-delusive.

Your perceptionswhether true or untrue—often become your realities, and they are then stored in your subconscious mind as your own memories.

Whenever you want to make a choice or decision, it is your subconscious mind that provides your conscious mind with your many attitudes, beliefs, and predictions—they are all based on your memories of your past experiences. Your thinking mind then begins to process and project them into the future as your “expectations to be fulfilled.”



It is the ancient wisdom of Lao Tzu, an ancient Chinese sage (2,600 years ago) born with white hair, a sign of profound wisdom. He was the author of the famous ancient classic Tao Te Ching.

What are the essentials of THE TAO WISDOM?

Humility: Be humble with an empty mind to receive new knowledge. Letting go: Detach yourself from all attachments to what defines who you are in the material world, such as career, money, success.     -Doing without overdoing: Do what needs to be done, but never overdo. Balance and harmony holds the key to survival and thrival.    Embracing: Accept all problems and misfortunes. Learn valuable lessons from them. Everything in life follows a natural cycle, such as what goes up must come down, just as life is followed by death.

THE TAO WISDOM makes you "truly" spiritual. When you are "truly" spiritual, there is no such thing as "prayers not answered" because your prayers are no longer about your own wants and needs, and they are all about God.

Stephen Lau

Author: Why Prayers Are Seldom Answered

Books By Stephen Lau


Having said the above, this book may help you enhance your own self-intuition and self-introspection so that you may eventually become awakened to and even enlightened by your own understanding of how and why your prayers are seldom answered or not answered at all.

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