Newly published book: FREEDOM wiyh BONDAGE

Newly published book: <b>FREEDOM wiyh BONDAGE</b>
Newly published book FREEDOM with BONDAGE: You have NO FREEDOM of choices if they are controlled by your flesh to do all the wrong things, and you are held in BONDAGE.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Empower Your Mind to Ask Questions

Human Wisdom to Ask Questions

“The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.” Thomas Berger

Albert Einstein once said, “Thinking is difficult; that’s why so few people do it.” Thinking is a process of self-intuition through asking relevant questions to create self-awareness and self-introspection. It is the natural habit of the human mind to try to solve problems by asking questions. Through solving problems, the mind can then make things happen. Asking relevant questions is self-empowering human wisdom because it creates the intent to learn, to discover, and then to change. Without change, life becomes static, boring, and ultimately unhappy.

Know the importance of asking questions, and continue to ask meaningful and relevant questions throughout your life.

“Am I happy?” This may be one of the most important questions that nearly all of us ask ourselves every now and then throughout our life journey. After all, happiness is one of the most important elements in the art of living well.

To live well, we need to ask ourselves many other self-probing questions as we continue our life journey in order to find out: who we really are, and not who we think or wish we were; what we really need, and not what we want from life; why certain things happened while certain things did not happen to us. Without knowing the answers to those questions asked, we can never be genuinely happy because we will always be looking for the unreal and the unattainable.

In many ways, the human brain is like a computer program. Your whole being is like the computer hardware with the apparatus of a mind, body, and senses. The lenses through which you see yourself, as well as others and the world around you, are the software that has been programmed by your thoughts, your past and present experiences, as well as your own desires and expectations. In other words, you—and nobody else—have programmed your own mindset; all these years, you may have been trapped in a constricted sense of the self that has prevented you from knowing and being who you really are. That is to say, your “conditioned” mind may have erroneously made you "think" and  even "believe" that you are who and what you are right now; but nothing could be further from the truth.

Now, by asking relevant questions, you may have the human wisdom to "change" that pre-conditioned mindset, enabling you to separate the truths from the half-truths or even the myths that you have created for yourself voluntarily or involuntarily all these years.

Stephen Lau
Copyright© 2018 by Stephen Lau

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