Newly published book: FREEDOM wiyh BONDAGE

Newly published book: <b>FREEDOM wiyh BONDAGE</b>
Newly published book FREEDOM with BONDAGE: You have NO FREEDOM of choices if they are controlled by your flesh to do all the wrong things, and you are held in BONDAGE.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Are You Wise?

Are you wise or intelligent? Both or neither? Or you simply don’t know?

Now, ask yourself another question: "Are you happy?" If your answer is an indisputable "yes," then most probably you are wise and have wisdom in living. If your answer is not definitive, maybe you are intelligent, but not necessarily wise.

First of all, there is a difference between "wisdom" and "knowledge," and hence a distinction between "wise" and "intelligent." Knowledge is information; being intelligent is being knowledgeable. Wisdom, on the other hand, may have more to do with "distilling" and "internalizing" knowledge; in other words, the selection and application of relevant and appropriate information for a specific purpose. Therefore, mere accumulation of knowledge does not necessarily enhance wisdom, nor make an individual wiser for that matter. Wisdom in living is the art of living well. To live well, you must cherish and nourish that wisdom. 

Unfortunately, how to live one's life is never formally taught in school. If you are lucky, your parents might have given you some advice or their living examples might have shed some light on how you should live your own life. Most of us simply follow our instincts; or, worse, drift along, letting the turnout of events in our lives guide us along the way. But that is not true wisdom in living. True wisdom is the efficient use of the mind to get what one wants in life.

Does wisdom in living have a blueprint? Unfortunately, not! The reason is that every individual's life is uniquely his or hers; as such, there is no blueprint for living. Remember, nobody can live your life for you, because it is your life, and you must live it the way you choose. But you may want to know "how" to choose, and "what" affects your choice, or, more specifically, how your mind works. 

Wisdom in the art of living well is about understanding that in life you have a choice. As a matter of fact, life is all about choices. But what determines your choices? Your life choices are based on your life experiences. In other words, all your past and present experiences play a pivotal role in how you are going to live the rest of your life. Wisdom in living is the capability of the mind to discern your perceptions and how they process those experiences. No two individuals have the same perception of the same experience; it is always the half-glass-empty or the half-glass-full to a greater or lesser degree. Given the critical importance of mental perceptions in determining life choices, one of the essentials of wisdom in living is mind power--the ability of the mind to control its thinking process and hence its thoughts. Remember, you are the sum of your thoughts, and your thoughts become who you are and what you choose. In other words, your thoughts become the raw materials with which you fabricate your life, that is, creating your own masterpiece.

Mind Secrets Exposed: Learn the art of getting what you want out of life. If you find yourself facing constant frustration from never-ending problems in life, or you feel as though your life is a proverbial treadmill, not going anywhere. Now is the time to take charge of your life. It is all in your subconscious mind that is the real power center of your being and the "headquarters" of your body. Use state-of-the-art subliminal messages to transform your subconscious mind in order to change your conscious mind.

Also, visit my website: Wisdom in Living.

Stephen Lau

Copyright© by Stephen Lau

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